Octopus Agile Vs Octopus Flux

As the cost of electricity continues to rise, many households are looking for ways to reduce their energy bills. For those with solar panels and battery storage, the Octopus Agile Tariff and Octopus Flux are two options to consider.

The Octopus Agile Tariff is a flexible tariff that allows customers to benefit from low energy prices during off-peak periods. It works by adjusting prices every half hour based on wholesale energy prices, which means that customers can take advantage of low prices when demand is low. This is particularly beneficial for households with solar PV and battery storage as they can use their stored energy during peak times and buy additional electricity from the grid during off-peak periods when prices are lower.

The Octopus Flux is a tariff designed for electric vehicle (EV) owners, but it can also be useful for households with solar panels and battery storage. It offers a fixed price for energy that is guaranteed to be lower than the standard variable tariff. The tariff also includes four hours of off-peak electricity between 00:30 and 04:30, which can be particularly beneficial for those with battery storage as they can charge their batteries during this period and use the stored energy during peak times.

So, which tariff is better for households with solar panels and battery storage? It depends on the individual circumstances.

For those who are able to manage their energy consumption and use their stored energy during peak times, the Octopus Agile Tariff is likely to be the better option. This is because the tariff is based on wholesale energy prices, which means that customers can benefit from low prices when demand is low. Customers can also use their stored energy during peak times, which can further reduce their energy bills.

However, for those who are unable to manage their energy consumption or do not have a large enough battery storage capacity, the Octopus Flux may be the better option. This is because the tariff offers a fixed price for energy that is guaranteed to be lower than the standard variable tariff. The off-peak electricity period also provides an opportunity for households to charge their batteries at a lower cost, which can be particularly beneficial for those with a smaller battery storage capacity.

Both tariffs have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important for households to consider their individual circumstances before deciding which tariff to choose. It is also worth noting that both tariffs are only available through Octopus Energy, which may not be available in all areas.

In addition to the Octopus Agile Tariff and Octopus Flux, there are other tariffs available for households with solar panels and battery storage. For example, the E.ON Solar PV and Battery Storage Tariff offers a fixed price for energy that is lower than the standard variable tariff, and the Solarplicity Smart Export Guarantee offers a guaranteed minimum payment for excess energy exported to the grid.

Overall, the Octopus Agile Tariff and Octopus Flux are two options that are worth considering for households with solar panels and battery storage. The best tariff for each household will depend on their individual circumstances, including their energy consumption habits and the size of their battery storage capacity. By choosing the right tariff, households can save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint.

About the Owner and Where The Solar Industry is at

Having been in business for almost 20 years I’ve worked across multiple sectors including Retail & Distribution, Healthcare and Recruitment. I fell into Solar purely by accident back in 2020 and frankly have never looked back.

The landscape back then was very different with most work tending to be from people with existing systems looking to add battery storage or deal with some sort of remedial work. The only real motivation for a full panel installation was after people had installed a hot tub and got a shock having seen their first electricity bill! Even installations for EV chargers weren’t that frequent really until 2021.

2021 saw a marked change in clientele when the utility companies started to go bust, with many people concerned by just how much their energy bills would go up. This was of course compounded in 2022 with the huge price increases that now seem almost normal and then again with the outbreak of the War in Ukraine.

Having already established great relationships with the best installers and having gained a unique and broad-based insight into all of the different brands in the market we were uniquely placed to be able to effectively serve this huge increase in demand.

Whilst 2022 was extremely busy, the industry as a whole was bursting at the seams. Massive supply chain issues along with long delays from the power networks to approve the install made for some challenging times. All the while with equipment costs rising on an almost weekly basis.

Even with all of this, the huge price of energy made the installation and uptake of Solar almost a no brainer with some systems showing complete capital repayment in 5-6 years.

Late 2022 saw some significant stabilisation in the market and a welcome decrease in the price of the equipment so whilst 2023 looks set to be yet another year of turmoil with high energy prices, at least the supply of equipment is there and the cost of an installation slightly less.

This coupled with some of the newer tariffs such Octopus Agile which enable the more premium systems such as Solax and GivEnergy to essentially trade power with the grid based on the most favourable rates make Solar PV installations an ever more attractive investment.

The key principles for every installation nonetheless still remains the same.

The system which best represents the clients needs. So this is very important. Obviously, a competitive price is something which we all want in life, and it’s certainly something which we aim to achieve. And ultimately, all of that has to fall back on a hassle free, clean installation, which is where we really pride ourselves. We have some of the best installers in the business, and we are at the end of the telephone as needed to solve any problems and obviously to communicate everything during the course of the installation. If you want a low obligation chat, feel free to give us a call at the office. We’re always happy to help.


Daniel Roser

Owner at New Dawn Solar

British Gas launches new business unit with solar and battery installations a central pillar

British Gas has unveiled four new energy efficiency services, with solar and battery installations a core pillar for the new business unit.

Other pillars include home health checks, an improved Hive EV charger and insulation installation.

These pillars will play a pivotal role in the energy and home services provider’s offerings to bolster residential net zero prospects. The firm will also train 3,500 engineers in a bid to support this new offering.

The new business unit, whose “sole mission” is to support customers with the journey to net zero, will position the engineers to install and maintain EV chargepoints, insulation, solar panels, hydrogen ready boilers, heat pumps and many more. This will greatly enhance the prospects in decarbonising homes across the UK.

As part of the new offering, British Gas will provide free homes consultations for solar panel installations with the option to install a battery as well. This new measure has been introduced following the results of the British Gas Net Zero Home Index, which found a healthy appetite for solar installations with 87% of the public having said they would support building more solar power.

The solar survey conducted by British Gas for customers would showcase estimated costs, savings and installation options without any commitment. The installations would then be carried out over a two to four day period and save customers up to 90% on electricity costs once operational, the firm said.

Another core pillar of the new offering is a “new and improved” Hive EV charger, which is set to be released to the public later this month. The smart charger allows customers to charge their car when prices are at their lowest and when the most renewable energy is available on the grid, with the integrated automated charging feature able to support the balancing of the grid.

The next edition of the charger will be “one of the smallest chargers in the market”, British Gas said. The chargers will be constructed via a partnership with EV charging firm EO Charging, and then installed by British Gas engineers. Customers can then use the Smart Charge service to reduce bills further.

The final two pillars of the new offering include a Home Health Check and insulation. The health check comprises of a comprehensive energy efficiency check, which then provides customers with a personalised action plan to help them decarbonise the home.

This check will include thermal imagery and checking radiator efficiency. Another key aspect is providing customers with advice on how to access government support and grants to boost the efficiency further.

British Gas has also opened its insulation service, with customers advised to register online to find out when it will be first available in their area. Engineers will be able to install a range of solutions including loft and cavity insulation.

“We are on a mission to help consumers lower their household energy bills, whilst at the same time reducing their carbon emissions. We recognise that many households are being cautious with their spending currently but want to make sure the right products are there for those who can make these changes – and we want to do all we can to make greener home solutions more affordable and accessible so that no one is left behind,” said Andrew Middleton, managing director of net zero at British Gas.

“With the UK’s largest network of energy experts, we are uniquely placed to guide customers and equip them with actionable insights on how to manage energy consumption. Our trusted engineers are already giving our customers energy efficiency advice at every appointment and have installed over 8,000 electric car charging points and over 2,300 heat pumps.

“Our expert teams have helped improve the insulation of millions of properties and support solar panel installations around the country each day.”

50MW solar farm in Gloucestershire gets the green light

Tewkesbury Borough Council has approved a 49.9MW solar farm in Gloucestershire.

The application for Maisemore Solar Farm was submitted in March 2022 by solar and battery storage developer, Renewable Connections.

The proposal included a community fund of up to £80,000 as well as creating biodiversity enhancements over approximately 16 hectares of wetlands.  

According to Renewable Connections, Maisemore Solar Farm will also form a “key part” of the Gloucester to Newent cycle route, by creating a new cycle and pedestrian access link.

Construction of the solar farm is expected to commence this year; once operational it will have a life span of up to 40 years.

“We are delighted to have received approval for Maisemore Solar Farm. Councils such as Tewkesbury Borough Council understand that urgent action is required to limit the environmental impacts produced by the climate crisis and many have now declared their own climate emergency,” said John Leith, development director at Renewable Connections.

“There are significant benefits to this scheme, aside from the obvious low carbon, home-grown energy it will deliver. The implementation of a Green Infrastructure Plan will substantially enhance biodiversity by creating a range of new habitats offering food and shelter to wildlife and additional landscaping.

“The project will also see the creation of a new cycle and pedestrian access to link Maisemore to the Over Basin via an existing footbridge across the Leadon.”

Earn & Save In Excess Of £20,000 With The Use Of Battery Storage & Grid Trade

Potential earnings/savings depend on a number of variables such as property location, winter mode, costs and a customer’s local profile. The costs of installing solar panels may vary depending on the size of the system installed and how complicated the install is to carry out.